Ok, that's just "crypto re-learns lessons that everyone else already learned". This bZx hack on the other hand, man this is the beans. (alsovia Matt Levine).
I'm not an epidemiologist, nor are you, so you're probably not even remotely qualified to interpret this model of COVID19 spread. Why am I linking it anyway?
How much is high-frequency trading worth? About $5B
I would never have predicted that biological viruses were written in LISP and, as such, all end in ))))))))))))). Is CRISPR just the equialent of MOV then?
Ars Technica summarizes how they function with no physical office. My personal take: all-remote is OK, all-in person is better (for the work), a mix is a goddamn disaster.
Math is so weird. We know of algorithms that are extremely Big-O efficient, even solving NP problems in polynomial time + a constant factor. The problem is that the constant factor is ... large. See also wikipedia and HN comments.