It turns out that building a nuclear reactor is startlingly similar to building (some types of) nuclear reactor. So why not build nuclear reactors in shipyards? Someone give these guys $700 million already.
If you watched the whole thing you might be thinking to yourself "lots of small, independent units that fail fast and safe? that sounds like SpaceX ${devops_fad_term}", you're not wrong. Nuclear has higher stakes but similar design features.
The Cloud is really just computers in a datacenter and most of those datacenters are in a handful of jurisdictions. That's changing, with several providers opening more region- or nation-specific locations. What happens when you can cryptographically split your data across n of those regions? Are you actually safer from court orders? Is it easier to get a "shut this shit down" order than a "give me your data" one?
A quora answer about D, Rust and Go was making the rounds earlier this week. I don't really disagree with anything except the phrase "rust skipped leg day" which means something very different to me than its use in this article. Lifters who skip leg day aren't mocked for looking imbalanced or goofy, they're mocked for focusing on asthetics over fucntionality. Leg day is a day you spent building strength that's useful instead of sexy. If anything, I think Rust is the exact opposite of this: focusing on the annoying, unsexy things like safety and correctness instead of sexy things like distributed systems. Not that it matters because, as we know, worse is better.
Kind of a neat contactless power/data connector for robotics. It's basically a long-form ad, is targeted to low-bandwidth and -power applications but still interesting. Seems like it has really nice properties if you're building self-assembling robots for example.
If you don't know gdb (and I don't), you might like to spend some time using it to defuse a bomb (no pressure). I guess you'd call this a CTF? Seems like a good interview question actually. Part 2.
This is the latent singulatarian in me but some day prosthetics are going to be objectively better (and awesomerer) than the meatware we're born with.
Some day I'll learn to drive a rally car (for real, not just in video games). Until then I'll have to content myself with practicing shouting like a codriver.