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Microsoft continues its march to weirdness: Licensing Mono as MIT , bringing Ubuntu and bash to Windows , and betting the farm on chatbots that are still racist the second time . I guess when Windows doesn't bring the big bucks anymore you have to start getting creative.
I'm a big fan of retroactively-terrible predictions (like Itanic ) so this article on the uniformly bad predictions of renewable energy is very much of interest.
I really like this Rust for functional programmers article. I learned things about OCaml from it!
A reader points out that, if the CIA and an unlimited budget couldn't make deep-sea mining happen what are the chances slightly better robots will ?
Eve online is at war again . Poor mittens .
Yeah, I'm not even going to try to comment: The first mail odor dating service .
Just in time for tax day: py1040 .
Holy shit: Arbitrary code execution from inside super mario world by hand .
Pretty (?) pictures of the scenic NYC waterfront .
Fine, more iphone cracking nonsense . Obviously, if you're trying to be secure you should take a tip from ISIS . I don't even know how to parse the fact that TrueCrypt was written by a fairly notorious criminal (more here ). Of course, even perfect encryption sticks out like a sore thumb when nothing else is random.
CockroachDB is in beta! And got a ton of money! Also, I didn't grok that it just speaks the Postgres wire protocol , that's just fantastic. In other database news, Citus is now open source .
There's no improving on this headline: A Liberal MP Has Written The Erotic Australia-Indonesia War Novel Absolutely No One Asked For (mildly NSFW text).
I haven't read much about this big bribery scandal but it'll be interesting to see if it sticks or just ebbs with the news cycle.
Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous system (pdf) . Peter Watts is not amused .
One nice thing about being an autocratic government with no particular regard for human rights is you can build things pretty quickly . Even Japan is trying to simplify their grids. Clearly we just need to build an AC-over-IP system and bootstrap this over the internet. Where's my millions in VC money? Or just go the other way and run some water pipes .
In cyberpunk news, using the airport to hide from police helicopters .