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The Shenandoah real-time-ish garbage collector is in Fedora 24 .
Ugly building gets less ugly , antenna .
I'm gratified to learn that Vampires are real and amused to learn that so are werewolves .
I, uh, what ? It might not be so crazy, at least in China . Of course, it might just be a scam (Chinese only, other stories imply it says something about crowdfunding).
Ok, let's talk about Blockchains.
I really thought we had seen the end of the giant-bitcoin-heist but no, $77 million from Bitfinex proves me wrong. Of course, it doesn't help when your regulator prevents you from securing your assets . It really is an infinitely deep pool of vulgar scammers .
So, clearly Bitcoin is kill, what about Ethereum? It's the new hotness, it's got distributed turing-complete bytecode execution so you can create your own digital pyramid scheme without all the pesky intermediate systems. Or if that's too web1.9 for you, go ahead and create a decentralized autonomous organization to do..uh...stuff with ETH, the currency of the network. Stuff like get completely hacked to the tune of 3,641,694 ETH because you didn't handle errors properly .
Of course, the BLOCKCHAIN being a libertarian paradise means there's no recourse here, the DAO screwed up and its investors screwed up by trusting it and the thief was just plain smarter than you are so them's the breaks, right?
Don't be silly, of course they decided to go back in time and hard fork the network . Problem solved, right?
Nope. Now you just have 2 Ethereums, Ethereum and Ethereum Classic! (Same great taste, less hypocrisy!) What happens next? ETH wins , ETC wins or everybody loses .
What we really needed was another config management system .
Rust: Hidden gems of the Rust ecosystem . I don't remember if I mentioned that there's a QuickCheck for Rust . _secret: () .
Dyson Spheres, what do they know? Do they know stuff? Let's find out . From this interesting HN thread .
If you have strong opinions about "OATS reporting", you probably already know about Barclays being fined for getting it wrong .
Ron Howard is making a semi-documentary fictional miniseries about Mars .
More NYC Subway Countdown Clocks , featuring Bluetooth!