The Weekly Weird - 2016-09-09
- Quote of the day
<redacted> i just learned a really dirty hack. <redacted> exec &> >(tee -a x.log) <redacted> apparently that's in my codebase... god i'm a terrible tech lead <redacted> i thought my coworker was asking as a trivia question.
- I like this story about a giant stockpile of alumin[i]um in the desert. HN Comments.
- Why Modern Human Interactions Are So Hard To Film.
- I don't really understand how neural networks are intimately tied to the laws of the universe but hey, now we have a theology to fall back on when the robots enslave us all.
- Why I don't use a blog platform, volume XVII: the DMCA.
- EEG-based identification systems, take two.
- We know nothing, part elventy billion: there are four species of giraffe.
- Cities are cool.
- What do those orange spraypaint markings on the ground mean?
- Did you know they're raising the Bayonne bridge because of the Panama Canal? (video)
- How the Japanese do zoning
- There's a musical about Robert Moses. I have no comment.