The Weekly Weird - 2016-10-07
- Yes, I have Strong Opinions on the SpaceX ITS but I'm still churning through weeks of unread stuff so you'll have to wait.
- "On Monday 19 September 2016, a hardware failure in the main database used to operate the ASX market triggered a number of events that meant the ASX market did not open at 10am. The market was also closed early."
- I try to keep politics out of here and I'm sure not going to get into the weeds about operating losses but I find the concept of debt parking fascinating: A brief intro, and a two part with a bit more.
- The IEEE approved 2.5 and 5gbit ethernet standards, I'm excited to get my grubby mits on them. 1G is too slow and 10G is too expensive, this 5G porridge sounds just right. HN comments.
- Some of you might be familiar with event-sourced models, it's now the new hotness in other areas. Some HN comments on a not particularly interesting article.
- I like this article on how carefully-designed the Wisconsin pension system is.
- An absolutely incredible look at building a faster 'grep' in rust. See also counting lines very very fast and EVEN FASTERER.
- There's a barebones but working webassembly compilation target in upstream rust. It's not in nightlies yet and it's via asm.js instead of a more direct llvm wasm target but still! Anything to avoid learning even a single javascript framework (seriously funny).
- The implementation is a big ugly but 1.12 now allows (sort of) optional arguments. I love that this just falls out of changing underlying types and not a special snowflake language feature.
- Hoare logic for Rust.
- One of the most common "argh" stumbling blocks in Rust is implementing trees. The borrow checker makes the circular references involved non-trivial. Here's one implmentation that takes a new approach.
- Random links: a lock-free work-stealing deque, Intersection impls (I barely followed this), Writing Cocoa apps in rust, A post-quantum cryptography library, A bridge between C++ and rust, a no-allocation log buffer, what is the programming model of gpu programming?, more about the design of the new Futures in rust and the relationship between various similar-sounding async-y libraries.