The Weekly Weird - 2017-07-14
- Ok, this is the most weekly-weird appropriate link in ages: biking to L4 via human-powered ion engines.
curl -s -o /dev/null --libcurl >(gcc -x c - -lcurl) && ./a.out
- I...have no words. Invite-only skyscraper-coloring mobile app.
- If you're just baffled trying to figure out what to get me for Xmas, allow me to make a suggestion.
- Worried about sea levels rising? Good. Worry more efficiently with this 64 page report on how Chronic Innundation Zones will change.
- Thanks to a font, Pakistan could soon be sans-Sharif.
- How many planets are in the habitable zone of a star? 0? 1? 418? ...more?
- "The prosecution calls the patient's pacemaker to the stand."
- Lavabit's new super-secure not-smtp email server thing exists now. I'll wait for some expert analysis before I take it too seriously.
- Ever wonder how the IRS actually works? Wonder no more!
- Buzzword recap: 'Event Sourcing'. Martin Fowler describes it in 2005, LinkedIn writes many words on logs as a central abstraction level, and a whole book on Versioning in an Event Sourced System. (via the HN thread about a not-great implementation).