The Weekly Weird - 2017-10-13
- Things you don't want to hear on a Jepsen review of your software: "These problems are not bugs; they are fundamental design decisions. Hazelcast has placed sequential or linearizable datatypes atop an eventually-consistent replication system which makes unjustifiably optimistic assumptions about node and network reliability." Also, I didn't know about flake ids so double bueno.
- How much (TLS-encrypted!) traffic can you push from a single FreeBSD box? 100Gbps if you're Netflix.
- "Why can't the IT industry deliver large, faultless projects quickly?" and HN's take. Tl;dr (IMO): because nobody wants to pay for them.
- Use Coq to prove your arbitrary x86 assembly(!).
- Billions of engineer-hours spent building deep-learning frameworks have finally answered one of the fundamental questions of humanity.
- Write once, debug everywhere strikes again.
- Don't worry, CSVs are totally safe.
- How small can an Android APK get? Let's find out!
- Of course you can rpc over tor.
- I really liked this mozilla article on Quantum Render.
- Stupid systemd tricks: per-service IP traffic accounting and access control. Putting all this in C in pid 0 is fine I'm sure.
- The western world:
twothree nation-ish things separated by a common language.