The Weekly Weird - 2017-11-03
- I don't know what to excerpt from this, there are too many great quotes. Just read this (true!) story: Auckland, NZ to LaGuardia. The long way around. Through a war. Parts 2 and 3.
- Oi! Hold the door for that nice lady with her hands full! Thanks!
- Animal eyes have had a few billion years of cutthroat competition, it's fascinating to watch machine vision learn to deal with liars. HN comments. In fact, you can lie with a single pixel.
- The critical question for 2018: is Bitcoin vulnerable to quantum computers? And finally, there's a spy-movie like system for cold storage, complete with spy movie name: Behold the glacier protocol.
- User interfaces matter, especially when they control 9,000 tons of warship.
- Strange Russian Vehicles: Ekranoplanes are back, 8x8.
- Verging on politics but what if the government just took an equity share of everything instead of charging taxes? (free registration required)
- What an awesome dress.
- Videos: The government is a system. A neural network creepily generating faces. Ever wonder why a piano sounds different than a violin? Let this video about a subcontrabassoon explain it. The pyschology of social engineering. Ramez Naam has many things to say about our future energy use. Zcash.
- Clever: port scanning without an IP address.
- 400Gig Ethernet.
- A step-by-step to making your own cell network from a raspberry pi and a $430 SDR.
- Machine Porn: GE's turbine factory.