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China! It's a big place with big plans:
Jobs that won't exist: roughneck , radiologist , floor cleaner , um...storyteller?
Don't worry, that secret minix running below your OS now has a security review! HN Comments . I think this quote expresses my opinions beautifully: "Everyday, I feel more and more that I want to just manually solder several billion transistors together."
Helium at rest is boring. Make helium mad and it blows tiny holes in metal . This is troubling since nuclear fusion is basically spending billions of dollars to piss off helium in bulk. Funny thing though, if you build a very small canal, the helium will just float away on its own .
The future is kind of awesome: rent-a-leg .
So a big 'ol rock flew through the solar system, from a galaxy^Wsolar system far away . Given it's suspiciously rama-esque proportions , it's getting quite a lot of attention, including perhaps giving it a listen to see if it's noisier than a rock ough to be .
Key-value store too slow? RDMA getting you down? Put the server .. in .. the .. NIC?