The Weekly Weird - 2018-02-09
- WELL THAT FUCKING HAPPENED HOLY SHIT. One thing that doesn't come across in all the videos is the sound, to really appreciate that make sure to check out Smarter Every Day's binaural video or this terrifyingly close video of the landing to get a more in-person feel. Or watch the second stage escape burn from a bit further away. I think the starman himself would be proud. Reddit was ... very excited. In addition to the large, friendly letters on the dashboard, the roadster (which was very much the fallback payload) also carried a bit more classic science fiction, though I hope the aliens undersand that the story of a galactic human empire is fiction...
- In a tragic turn of events, leaving a privately-owned nuclear-capable ICBM floating indefinitely in international waters made some nice men with big guns uncomfortable, with unsurprising results.
- You didn't take that picture, a neural network just borrowed your flesh to take it.
- Finally, large e-ink tablets seem to exist. Lots of comments on HN.
- I love the idea of a smart home but the reality is not so enjoyable.
- Want to keep your data safe from hackers? Air gap. From Mossad? Faraday cage. Or... not.
- A comprehensive postmortem of a matchmaking outage in Fortnite (whatever that is).