The Weekly Weird - 2019-05-03
- It's no burrito but hey, delivering a kidney by drone is neat.
- I feel like if you cost the government $700 million you should pay more than $46 million.
- Nothing says "that was a non-story" quite like moving all your manufacturing out of China.
- CPUs are fast, IO is slow, right? Wellllll. HN Comments.
- Every piece of software should have a page like this: Don't Do This (in postgresql).
- I loathe that I am not more surprised by this sentence: "an aquafresh brand-parody tumblr that was posting avengers spoilers was reportedly permabanned for hate speech, but it was actually because the account was tied to a toy story-themed community-led nazi purge"
- Ever want to build your own Ethernet MAC on an FPGA? Here you go.
- More AI dreaming: whole bodies.
- This sounds like a fascinating job: Hedge fund PI.
- Solar cells are just like me, they benefit from caffeine and wine.
- Usually, the more nucleons you add to an isotope the more the result wants to explode out of pure bloody-mindedness. The same is true of Tantalum, at least until you get the atomic size to 180 at which point things get weird. Spins don't usually go to 9.