The Weekly Weird - 2019-09-20
- How does China feed itself? (h/t Mike)
- Why are so many datacenters in a row? 19th century politics of course.
- You might be a Cardinal, literally a Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalis and not know about it.
- From the best subreddit (frequented by the CEO of ULA): I am building a meme satellite. No confirmation that it's the same as this satellite but come on.
- When did the PDP10 (yes, that PDP10, the one cancelled in 1983) stop being used commercially? Nope. Nope. Still nope. Waaay more nope than you thought. You too can poke around. More and even more PDP10 miscellany.
- If we don't build a space elevator somewhere in my lifetime I will be very disappointed. Cambridge and Columbia are on it. At least we're manufacuring something up there.
- Aaaarrgghhh brains are so dumb. So dumb.
- From the neo-lovecraftian-background-chyron department: Trampoline mirror may push laser pulse through fabric of the Universe. What could go wrong.
- Scylla continues to impress: DynamoDB-compatible layer for their cassandra implementation.
- How much should you charge for your niche product? A surprisingly deep analysis determines that the answer is probably "more".
- Unicode is completely insane.