The Weekly Weird - 2020-04-24
- 'Contango' is my favorite word. 'SUPER CONTAGO' is so much better. That's peanuts compared to negative spot prices which are now doing a lovely job stress-testing exchanges, brokers, and ETFs. I believe the appropriate euphemism here is 'unsophisticated order flow'.
- How much of a savings is full autonomy for a trucking business? Perhaps not as much as you'd think.
- As a lover of BGP hijacks, I worry that Cloudflare's push for RPKI will put this newsletter out of business. Mind you, Cloudflare's opinion is not universally shared.
- Hard drive manufactureres submarining SMR drives without labeling. Classy.
- Disassembling a plane to ship it somewhere else would be silly. It's still silly when it's a drone but that's how it worked until just now
- Miss Clojure but don't want the JVM baggage? Clojure on Rust to the rescue!
- Don't accidentally charge your macbook on the wrong side.
- I'm eagerly watching the progress of Datafusion.
- New kernel interfaces more fasterer.
- Someone should make a modern Swiss Family Robinson where clever smartphone hacks take place in awesome treehouses.