The Weekly Weird - 2020-06-26
- M'verygoodfriend Elon's new rockets sometimes go boom. You don't want to blow up your expensive rocket scienteists alongside your cheap stainless steel pressure vessel though so when they only go a little boom of course sending a $75k robot dog to sniff around makes perfect sense.
- The Space Force would prefer not to rely on such piddly low-tech chemical reactions for their rockets, though. Instead, they're banking on nuclear thermal propulsion. I wonder which of the various possible designs will end up being chosen? Nevermind, it'll be the one with the Turbo Boost.
- A cool language syntax feature? In javascript??! It's more likely than you think!
- Ok, I hate on js a lot but of course there's a place for it. I'm very gratified to see that others share my loathing of thick js web apps in favor of just sending some HTML plz. (h/t Vito) See also turbolinks, stimulus and json5.
- I don't see a future for mechanical verification of javascript though so rust is still cooler.
- Make the obvious way to do things the correct way. Or just return the wrong year sometimes. (h/t Vito)
- How worried should you be about solar storms or EMP? least some.
- Yeah, the CIA getting pwned is a very on-brand funny 2020 story but the HN comments point out that it might be literally impossible for them to have successfully defend such shiny jewels at all.
- Your time machine should have an interlock to prevent accidental travel to 536.
- Go home #5, you're drunk.
- If you pair a French wine with American escargot does the UN apply sanctions?