The Weekly Weird - 2021-10-29
- You still think hostnames are
? You sweet summer child - "Sweet crude oil" is a euphemism, right? Right? (pdf)
- Also from the your-tongue-is-a-mass-spectrometer department.
- A bit late but COSMIC RAY FLIPS BIT, ASSISTS MARIO 64 SPEEDRUNNER is a hell of a headline.
- European regulators kill hard-working professional engineer after lifetime of service
- Switches? We don't need no stinking switches.
- Is there anything we can't use to store binary information?
- Wonderfully cursed wire protocol
- Obviously, I want one
- Black. Hole. Laser.
- No, you can't just get Rust's assurances with 'modern' C++. Clearly, we just need to further modernize it.
- Strong typing really does reduce bugs, even if you have great tests.