The Weekly Weird - 2022-01-28
- Superhighway84 is an USENET-inspired decentralized internet discussion system, featuring a retro text user interface. YES.
- Blah blah pig kidneys, blah blah pig hearts, let me know when I can get a hamster liver (h/t Mike).
- You wanted flying motorcycles? Here.
- A big government website that worked well?
- With lots more satellites up there, it's good that we're as a species getting OK with cleaing up after ourselves.
- You know not to re-upload PDFs anywhere, right?
- iT's JuSt A kEyBoArD.
- I love the idea of 3D printing entire mechanisms.
- Finally, a game I will absolutely crush at.
- I mean, is anyone shocked that NFTs are not always entirely au fait with infosec best practices?
- Such a great idea