The Weekly Weird - 2022-07-15
- What do executives do, anyway?
- It has been [0] days since the last bleed.
- "[T]he operation 'split a word into letters' does not make sense in general, but 'split a word into letters for showing cursors to the user' or 'split a word into letters for taking the first letter out for making acronyms' or 'split a word into letters for backspace to work' do make more sense (and are different operations!)".
- There's an urban legend/apocrypha of a must-not-fail 5ESS failing because purchasing hard drives from different manufacturers and batches was deeemd too expensive. Well, add install time to the surprise failure mode list: 2^57 nanoseconds.
- Sure, AI can build a better silicon adder than me and explain code better than me (h/t John) and write regexes better than me but can it, uh. Uhhh.
- Your config files should probably not be written by humans.
- Does your car's manufacturer have a vulnerability reporting process?
- I like the defense meme of codenames in series (bent spear -> broken arrow) and brilliant pebbles -> genius sand is one of the more adorable incarnations.
- I phrase this as "you can't pay people to care" but "giving a shit as a service" is pretty great, too.
- Run rust on ESP32.
- A rust implementation of AMQP 1.0 protocol.
- Arbitrary precision integers for rust that use the normal operators.
- RISC-V: The Laptop.