The Weekly Weird - 2022-09-16
- You frequently see "Foo is 10,000x faster than Bar" headlines but rarely do you see the kind of analysis to properly contextualize that to more than a marketing bullet point. Here's one that looks at what "DuckDB is faster than SQLite" really means.
- Also in SQLite news, replication(?!) and a nice intro to how SQL actually works.
- Everyone keeps figuring that launching a rocket from a plane is a great idea.
- 157 page PDF of what a ransomware attack on an entire national health system looks like.
- Now this is not an approach to static site hosting I have previously seen: generate the responses.
- I guess the "D word" is no longer verboten in US Space circles: cislunar depots!
- Amdahl's law strikes again.
- From the turing-complete department: yep.
- Y'all know there's nothing stopping a TLD from setting an A record, right?
- Well, that was boring but effective