The Weekly Weird - 2022-12-09
- I quit. How can I be expected to find weird links when simulating a Yudkowsky is a non-joke headline? Or just dreaming up a Unix system? Using an old AI to detect a new one?!? Come on.
- Documents in postscript? Web pages in CSS? Boring. Videos in postscript? Sure. Drawings in CSS? you bet.
- Go is simple and easy to reason about.
- Now this is impressive: truly hermetic program execution. HN comments.
- How do you cut over an entire telephone network to a new switching system? speedily (via)
- Just store your data in π.
- I can't decide between “If this result is real, someone’s going to get a Nobel Prize” and "7σ" as headlines here.
- What's next for computer performance? Brendan Gregg has some thoughts.
- go/weeklyweird
- Critical information like the unemployment rate of Clock Town and who wrote the Disney Channel jingle are only available thanks to hard-working documentarians who refuse to leave stones unturned.
- Accord: Fast General Purpose Transactions
- I know the R stands for 'Reduced' but this is ridiculous.